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Computer Question Bank
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A Compiler is ____
  1. a combination of computer hardware
  2. a program which translates from one high-level language to another
  3. a program which translates from one high-level to a machine level language
  4. None of these

Q2. Copying a process from memory to disk to allow space for other processes is Called

  1. Swapping
  2. Deadlock
  3. Demand Paging
  4. Page Fault
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: What is the first step in creating a form or report with the form wizard or report wizard?

  1. Selecting the fields that you want to appear in the form or report
  2. Selecting the underlying table or query on which you want to base the form or report
  3. Reading several screens of mostly useless information and clicking next
  4. Selecting how the form or report should be formatted
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Word: Which of the following command is not available in Tools menu?

  1. Auto text
  2. Autocorrect
  3. Auto summarize
  4. Macro
Correct Answer

Q5. Which was the world’s first minicomputer and when was it introduced?

  1. PDP-I, 1958
  2. IBM System/36, 1960
  3. PDP-II, 1961
  4. VAX 11/780, 1962
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: Database properties do NOT include ___________.

  1. title
  2. author
  3. company
  4. size
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: To save an existing document with a different file name, click _____.

  1. the Save button on the Standard toolbar
  2. Save on the File menu
  3. the Save As button on the Standard toolbar
  4. Save As on the File menu
Correct Answer

Q8. What does the disk drive of a computer do?

  1. Rotate the disk
  2. Read the disk
  3. Load a program from the disk into the memory
  4. Both b and c
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:The default header for a worksheet is

  1. Your name
  2. The date and time
  3. None
  4. The sheet tab name
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: Which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and tools?

  1. Status bar
  2. Tool bar
  3. Menu bar
  4. Title bar
Correct Answer

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